Pokémon Players from anywhere should never have to train alone! Here are some of the resources I use almost every day in my Pokémon Journey!
LimitlessTCG is a fantastic tool to look at deck lists! On this site you can find all of the latest results from big tournaments such as Regionals, Internationals, Worlds, and Japanese deck lists.
On the same site under the “Play” tab, you can find online tournaments with some prizing for both Pokemon TCG Pocket and Pokemon TCG Live! This is one of the best tools to familiarize yourself with archetypes and find decks you enjoy!
Want to level up your game? Trainer Hill is a very useful tool! They do the heavy lifting for you and analyze the decks AND the match ups versus other decks! Need to know the average number Boss’s Orders a typical Lugia Vstar deck plays? Trainer Hill knows. Need to see how well Terapagos ex does into an Archaludon ex and Regidrago Vstar heavy meta? Trainer Hill has the stats! Definitely a good tool for the up and coming Pokemon Trainer!
We all have to start somewhere. Before you visit league with your cool new deck, you better familiarize yourself with The Rules! Thankfully, both the Pokemon TCG Rulebook and the Pokemon Tournament Rules Handbook are easy to find! These two should help you get used to the structure of Organized Play Events! Remember, if you have any questions, you can always talk to the Pokemon Professor at your Local Game Store!
Finally, we’ve made it here. You’ve run the calculations, you’ve built a deck you believe in, you’re familiar with the rules. You are ready to Play! Pokemon. But… where do you go? Thankfully, Mr. Pikachu has an easy to use tool at your disposal! The official Event Locator! You can use this tool to find local leagues and local tournaments all around you! It’s as easy as putting in your ZIP Code and setting the distance to what you’re comfortable driving to! Find a league, and make some friends!
So, you’re established in the Game, you’ve been to a few League Nights. Maybe you’ve even attended a League Challenge or League Cup, but there are whispers of the next set at your Local Card Store. The cards aren’t even teased in English yet, where do you go to find out more?
There are two fantastic options each with their unique uses! PokeBeach focuses mainly on news of upcoming Pokemon TCG products including new cards that are revealed in Japan alongside translations for you to gauge how powerful you believe those cards to be.
On the other hand, JustinBasil focuses much more on the cards coming out for the next few sets. I mainly use JustinBasil for their fantastic English Proxies of cards coming out in the next sets. I used it a ton to print out Budew and Journey Together proxies to test for Atlanta. Use them to avoid being caught off guard by the latest cards once they’re available to play!
You ever get a really cool deck idea but don’t know if a key aspect of it will work like you think it does? That’s where The Compendium comes into play! It is an unofficial compilation of all the official rulings made by The Pokémon Company International (TPCi for short). You can double check key things like “Can my Festival Lead Dipplin use Technical Machine Evolution Twice?” or “Does Flygon ex’s attack switching into an Iron Valiant ex trigger the ability?”
You can rest assured that if they don’t have a SPECIFIC ruling, you can find one that is exactly like it with a different card. As always, if you ever have any rulings questions, reach out to your local Professor!
You’re feeling brave, you’re feeling confident. You think you have what it takes to enter the Big Leagues? Give it your all and register for a Regional Championship or International Championship on! You must sign up first for an RK9 account before you can register for a regional. Make sure you do that first! If you want to know when registrations go Live for regionals, you can check here and click the respective TCG link beside the Regional you want to attend!